Leading global fashion house Gucci has announced it will no longer use animal fur, beginning with its 2018 spring and summer collection. Gucci’s fur-free policy includes mink, coyote, raccoon dog, fox, rabbit, karakul and all others species bred or caught for fur. The fashion house will auction off its remaining fur inventory and donate the proceeds to animal rights organisations Humane Society International and LAV.
Chairman of Fur Free Alliance Joh Vinding is optimistic about this announcement. “For decades animals in the fur industry has been subjected to intense cruelty, living their entire lives in miserable, filthy cages. Gucci’s new fur free policy marks a game-changer for the whole luxury fashion industry to follow. Gucci is taking a bold stand for animals, showing the world that the future of fashion is fur-free.”
Fur and leather trade plagued by scandal
The company joins many other leading fashion brands and retailers in establishing a fur-free policy—including Armani, HUGO BOSS, Stella McCartney—and will be part of the international Fur Free Retailer Program. Calvin Klein was one of the first luxury clothing brands to ban fur back in 1994.
Being socially responsible is one of Gucci’s core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals.
—Marco Bizzarri, Gucci President & CEO
Many fashion houses publicly condemn animal cruelty, but investigative reporting sometimes exposes the seedy world of these animal farms. In 2014, BURBERRY, Christian Dior and Saint Laurent denied having any connections with farms accused of cruel or illegal practises.
Gucci and other forward-thinking brands understand that the only way to distance themselves from animal cruelty is to not participate in the fur trade. Animal-rights organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has a shocking way of showing consumers that there’s pain and suffering behind every piece of fur and leather.
If you want to make sure you’re not supporting a designer that uses real fur, the Humane Society of Australia has made shopping easier for you with a list. Go forth and shop fur free!
Written By: Adriane Rysz